Colette’s a savvy businessperson who quickly understands your business and understands hers well.
Peter Meade
Former Executive Vice President, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
For a global company such as Reebok it is critical to work with a communications firm like Colette Phillips Communications. No one understands today’s cultural diverse global marketplace better than CPC. They have established one of the largest and most powerful networks in the city. Trusting them has yielded many returns for our company.
Denise Kaigler
President, MDK Brand Management, Former SVP & Chief Communications Officer Reebok International Ltd.
Understanding the varying cultures that make up the communities we serve is important to KeySpan, as it helps us reach and communicate with our customers better. We have found a great partner in this mission with Colette Phillips Communications.
Robert B. Catell
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of KeySpan Energy Delivery/National Grid
She recognized years ago the importance of building bridges, of moving beyond and across boundaries and barriers, and she created Colette Phillips Communications (CPC) to help others do the same. She is fearless when it comes to reaching out and making connections with people. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. To watch it is to really see a force of nature unfold before your very eyes.
Deborah Jackson
President, Cambridge College
Boston is really a much different place than it was ten years ago and Colette Phillips Communications understands that.
Patrick Moscaritolo
President & CEO Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau
Whenever there’s an issue of importance to Boston and the wider community, Colette is there. She is there professionally to help develop information and to disseminate ideas to raise up the level of discourse and pump-up the volume on important issues. And then she turns around to give of herself personally, of her time, energy and resources to really make a difference.
Michelle Whitham Esq
Owner of Whitham Law LLP.